

Saturday, January 10, 2015

ITC :: Institute of Technology of Cambodia

About Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) is a Cambodian Higher Education Institution which was founded in 1964 and supported by cooperation between the Cambodia and the former Soviet Union. More than 10000 executive members have been graduated from ITC. They are currently working intensely on the economic and social infrastructure development of Cambodia.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) is a Cambodian Higher Education Institution which was founded in 1964 and supported by cooperation between the Cambodia and the former Soviet Union. More than 10000 executive members have been graduated from ITC. They are currently working intensely on the economic and social infrastructure development of Cambodia.

In the current context of globalization and fast transformations of new technologies ITC’s main concerns are to play an efficient role in the Cambodian society and to be at the cutting edge of development to improve our educational system.

Our goal is to provide students with a high quality education in the fields of engineering sciences and technologies. Students are provided with technical know-how and skills of analysis which allow integration and evolution in the labor market. To achieve this, the academic and international scientific research requires development.

Besides our academic activities, ITC contributes to maintain sustainable development and decrease the inequalities within our society through its internal functioning and opening-up to foreign countries and the way their students get admitted.

The current development of ITC owes a lot to the support of the national community and the great efforts made by staffs and students from generation to generation.

In 1993, Cambodian and French governments agreed to renovate ITC with a view to improve performance of the administration and financial services along with the educational system of the institution and the human resources.

Nowadays, ITC is at the crossroads in South Eastern Asia region where several partners meet:
- French Cooperation,
- Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF),
- La communauté Française de Belgique (CUD),
- AUN/SEED-net,
- School of Internet network ect…

ITC enjoys numerous cooperative agreements with European, Regional, and local Universities. These agreements help improve the quality of the educational program, create new degrees, and enable collaboration in new research projects and mobility of teachers and students. ITC also enjoys privileged relations with a great number of Cambodian companies and multinationals which have branches throughout Cambodia. Beyond regular exchanges, ITC has developed a Continuing Education programs and a large laboratory services proposal.

Message from the Director

 It is my great pleasure to welcome you to explore more information to the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) through our page.
 It is my great pleasure to welcome you to explore more information to the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) through our page.

Since its establishment in 1964, ITC has enjoyed a proud record of success and achievement in serving the country through human resources development, institutional capacity building and working intensely on the economic and
infrastructure development of Cambodia. The Institute has, for more than four decades, playing role as a bridge connection between the French and English speaking network and in the regional. With its multilateral collaborations, administrators, students, faculty staffs and alumni, this establishment offers a unique multilateral context for the exchange of opinions, the development and technologies   transfer   and   innovative   approaches   to share problems among ministries, authorities, NGOs, private sectors and partner institutions. With globalization and the associated expansion of socioeconomic development and cultural ties between the region and rest of the world, ITC is aiming to achieve a specific purpose.
Whatever, in the context of globalization and fast transformations of new technologies ITC's main concerns are to play an important role in the Cambodian society and to be at the cutting edge of development to improve our educational system.
Research and engineering education are not only about strengthening competency with discrete knowledge field. It is also about cultural differences as a source and potential for creation, innovation, critical thinking and development. ITC has a mission to train students with high quality education in the fields of engineering, sciences and technologies. Students are provided with technical know‐how and skills of analysis which allow integration and evolution in the labor market. To achieve this, the academic and international research scientific is requires to development.
Based on the decision of the annually board meeting, ITC's future orientation must be expanded in engineering education and diversified in research platforms for sustainable development country, strengthening knowledge base application, development more research works link with private sectors, supporting communities and economic development and integrating global economy.  
At the end, it is important for ITC to have its own perceiving clearly profile in certain areas such maintaining network with French and English speaking universities; provide education that motivates teaching staffs, students, stimulates creativity and inspires future ambitions; pursue unique research related to the national and international characteristics which leads to intellectual advancement; adequate the needs of the society and provide leadership and contribute to the development of the community; and develop an international intellectual ability among teaching staffs and students.
Dr. Romny OM


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