

Saturday, January 10, 2015

RSA :: Royal School of Administration

A modern state must have an effective administration, composed and competent civil servants to serve the common interests. Country deeper into regional and international environment full of complexity more aggressive response to the risk political, economic and social, more and more. In front of these new challenges, the government servants must have full capacity, this ability to be updated regularly. So RSA implementation of the mission is to make public the quality of the training function of the Kingdom of Cambodia to improve and modernize public function to be fit to serve effectively. RSA contribute to better collection of public action by selecting a good candidate training and learn to understand clearly about their responsibility in the future.


As a School of application and implementation of " excellence ", the RSA holds the vocation " to recruit, to train and to improve the civil servants destined to serve the administration of the Kingdom of Cambodia ". ( Article 2 of the Royal decree on the creation of the RSA ) The RSA provides the initial Training of the middle-ranking (Kramakars) and high-ranking civil servants. At the end of their training, the students commit themselves to integrating civil service for a minimum period of 7 years. Competitive examinations as the official means of recruiting the public agents contribute to the support of the Rule of Law and to the promotion of the equality of chances.. The RSA also offers courses of continuing education to the civil servants designated by their administration. These 9 to 12 month trainings allow experienced civil servants to update their knowledge and to acquire modern techniques for public management. (See also "Reforms in progress")


The Royal School of Administration—re-established in 1995 following a French-Cambodian cooperation agreement—is the heir to the former Royal School of Administration funded in 1956. The school includes amongst its alumni some illustrious Cambodians now in prominent government and State institution positions. The School went through several name change:
  • 1914 : School of the Kramakars
  • 1917 : Cambodian school of administration and jurisdiction
  • 1948 : National school of law, politics and economics studies
  • 1956-1965 : Royal School of Administration—it was inaugurated by HM King Norodom Suramarit
  • 1972-1975 : National School of Administration—during the Khmer Republic
  • 1982-1985 : Administration and Law Senior Public Servants' School—during the People's Republic of Kampuchea
  • 1992-1994 : National School of Administration, and later on Royal School of Administration
  • 1995 to present : Royal School of Administration—the royal decree of 21 April 1995 established the School
HE Sok An, SE M. Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers

The Royal School of Administration, a school of reference in the field of training for public administration officials, takes on a crucial duty: it is responsible for the recruitment, training and betterment of high-ranking civil servants intended to serve in government administration, to play an active role in State reform and to become impartial agents for change, the guarantors of pluralism and social stability, and core workers supporting the advance of the country. Through its training programs constantly updated to reflect the direction of the country’s reforms and the government's growing needs for qualified staff, the training given at the Royal School of Administration aims to provide its students with strong technical skills as well as to enable them to develop their own human abilities. This is a complex, although exciting and even fascinating task. Granted since December 2004 the status of government institution in the area of public administration, managed autonomously under the technical supervision of the Office of the Council of Ministers and the financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance, the Royal School of Administration receives a strong and unmitigated support from the Royal Government of Cambodia.

Director of the Royal School of Administration
The Royal School of Administration is already more than 50 years old, and yet this institution exudes vitality and dynamism committed to supporting State reform and the smooth functioning of Cambodian government administration. An applied-training institution, the Royal School of Administration was given by the Cambodian government the task of selecting and training future high-ranking civil servants. The school also has the responsibility of developing and extending the expertise of high-ranking civil servants throughout their career. The main objectives of this double task are to meet the demands of public service mandates and to constantly adapt to the advance of government services. To meet these goals, students and trainees are taught by practitioners who fully understand the challenges facing today's government services. Within this framework, they implement educational techniques based on practice and field work, therefore incorporating the acquired theoretical knowledge into the realities of institutional operations. Aware of what is happening in the world, the Royal School of Administration also establishes technical and educational cooperation programs. With the goal of continuously improving training programs' content and implementation process, the School sets out to create institutional links with others applied-training schools in and outside the region. As a result, the School constantly shares information and discusses experiments with the most innovative institutions in the training of high-ranking public servants, which enables it to meet international training standards. In other words, the Royal School of Administration constantly reinvents itself to better prepare students and trainees to meet the new challenges in government services.


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