

Sunday, January 11, 2015

CSUK :: Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear

About CSUK - Overview

  • Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear (CSUK) is a government higher education institution administered by the Ministry of Education of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
  • CSUK was established as MVU (Maharishi Vedic University) in 1993, changing its name in 2008.
  • The main Campus is located in Kamchaymear District, Prey Veng province, 142 Km east of Phnom Penh. Smaller campuses have been established in the towns of Kampong Cham and Prey Veng.
  • CSUK's mission has been to provide education to rural youth who would not otherwise have access to university. CSUK seeks to train a new generation of leaders free from the stress, fears and corruption that have been the legacy of Cambodia's recent history.
  • Starting in 1992, CSUK (then MVU, built roads, dug wells, and installed power generation, constructed classrooms, laboratories, student and faculty accommodation. CSUK opened in 1993 with students coming from all of Cambodia's 24 provinces.
  • In November 2001, CSUK got approval from the government to open a private campus of the university in Prey Veng town, 45km west of the main campus in Kamchai Mear. Since then, another private campus has been opened in Kampong Cham, 80km north of the main campus.
  • CSUK's curriculum has been developed by Khmer and foreign specialists to be relevant and adaptable to Cambodia's needs.
  • CSUK currently has two Faculties, the Faculty of Management, and the Faculty of Agriculture and Master program for Agriculture and Management.

About CSUK - Faculty

  • The Faculty of Management offers a recognised four-year Bachelors degree in Management with specialisations in Accounting, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and English Literature. Trains the future leaders capacity of orderly progressive management in business, public administration or government. Management are farming a new generation of dynamic young people with practical skills. Our products can be seen different areas of the economy such as the banks, auditing firms, micro-finance companies, Non-governmental Organisations, Ministries and Departments to mention a few.
  • The Faculty of Agriculture offers a recognised four-year Bachelors degree in Agricultural Science with specialisations in Agronomy, Rural Development, and Natural Resource Management. Trains the students in farming to maximize the productivity of the land through natural methods, free from dependence on expensive and toxic fertilizers and pesticides. Students gain practical experience producing food and working with the local farmer on vitally needed projects such as crop diversification.
  • Department of Foundation Year
    • Mission
      • To promote students learning abilities by offering a new curriculum suitable for the development of curricula in the region.
      • To develop a new and modern curriculum which responds to the needs of students to enable them to continue their studies towards a Bachelors Degree.
      • To encourage the compiling and developing of more documents for all subject areas in the library.
      • To add more laboratory facilities for students in the field of science.
      • To examine and evaluate the existing curriculum.
    • Objective
      • To achieve a standard of education recognized by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia
      • To provide a general foundation of knowledge enables students to continue their studies towards a Bachelors Degree


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